The subject of the sale is a plot located in the investment area in the municipality of Stryków, in the town of Sosnowiec.
It is located directly by the national road DK71 by the front of the plot and directly by the technical access road.
The plot is in shape of rectangle with dimnssions: 100m x 528m.
Utilities on the way: electricity, water and gas.
The plot is covered by the Local Spatial Development Plan and marked with the symbol 1P/U and 5P/U:
a) building – up to 20.0 m, with local elevations allowed on 10% of the net area of technical and production buildings up to a height not exceeding 25.0 m, provided that this elevation is justified by technological reasons, b) other structures – up to 25.0m;
Nearest enterance to the motorway A1/A2 located in Stryków - 3km.
21km to Lodz, 20km to Zgierz, 115km to Warsaw
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